
Guide to creating custom rewards

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Rewards are a powerful way of performing actions or giving things when a player levels skills. There are many different types of rewards, including stats, commands, permissions, items, and money. Rewards also support custom messages in menus and level-up chat messages.

Yaml Syntax

Configuring rewards requires Yaml syntax that you might not have seen before, technically known as map lists. These are simply lists comprised of multiple line components, similar to an array of objects in JSON. Map lists are defined like this:

  - type: stat # Start of first object in list
    stat: strength
    value: 1
  - type: stat # Start of second object in list
    stat: health
    value: 1.5

Pay attention to the spacing between the hyphen and the previous section. In the example, a regular indentation is 2 spaces. Therefore, the space from the start of your map list values (type, stat, value) compared to the previous section name (patterns) should be 4 spaces.

File Structure

Rewards are configurable in files in the AureliumSkils/rewards folder, and the name of the file corresponds to the skill it configures (eg. farming.yml controls Farming rewards only). There is also the global.yml file which configures rewards for all skills, so rewards added in it will be applied to all skills. You will already see files for each skill containing the default rewards. Each file is split into two main sections, patterns and levels.

Patterns Section

The patterns section is for rewards that repeat in a regular pattern within a skill's progression. Each reward in this section should have a pattern section that can define a start, interval, and stop. Patterns can be used for every type of reward.

The start value is the skill level the reward should first appear at; this should be at least 2 since the first level up possible is from level 1 to 2. If start isn't specified, it will default to 2.

The interval is the difference between consecutive rewards; an interval of 2 means the reward appears every other level (2, 4, 6,...). The default interval is 1.

The stop number is the maximum level the reward should appear at, which may or may not be a level the reward would actually be at calculated by the start and interval. It simply means that there will only be that reward below or at the specified stop level. This defaults to the max skill level defined by the max-level option of that skill in config.yml.

Levels section

The levels section is for defining single rewards at a specific level. You must first define a section of the level you want to define for, like so:

    - type: command
      executor: console
      command: say hi

This command reward will be executed when the player levels up to skill level 5.

Reward Types

Every reward must have a type value of the reward type it is. Each type of reward has different keys you can define that configure the reward, both required and optional.

Stat Rewards (stat)

Stat rewards level up an Aurelium Skills stat, which includes health, regeneration, strength, luck, wisdom, and toughness. Menu and level-up chat messages are automatically handled.


  • stat - The name of the stat the reward should level, use the default English names like strength (Required)

  • value - The amount of the stat to level, defaults to 1 (Optional)


- type: stat
  stat: strength
  value: 1

Want to remove the default stat rewards? You can do so by making the patterns section empty using patterns: []. However, you may need to adjust menu message newlines in the messages file to remove extra spaces when there are no stat rewards.

Command Rewards (command)

Command rewards allow you to execute any command, either through console or the player.


  • command - The command to execute; do not include the beginning slash. (Required)

    • Supported placeholders:

      • {player} - The player's name

      • {level} - The level of the skill that the player just leveled up to

      • {skill} - The name of skill that was leveled up

      • All PlaceholderAPI placeholders (requires the PlaceholderAPI plugin installed). Built-in placeholders are applied before PlaceholderAPI placeholders so you can combine them together.

    • Color codes work using "&" unless escaped using "\&"

  • executor - Defines who executes the command, either console or player. Using a player executor may still take into account permissions. Defaults to console. (Optional)

  • revert_command - Revert commands allow you to execute a command when a player loses the skill level due to admin commands. Placeholders work the same as the normal command value. (Optional)

  • revert_executor - Defines who executes the revert command, console or player (Optional)


- type: command
  executor: console
  command: say leveled up!
  revert_executor: console
  revert_command: say removed level up

Permission Rewards (permission)

Permission rewards grant a permission node to a player. You should use this over a command reward because permission rewards automatically handle much of the pain and problems a direct command would have, such as: 1. Automatically removing the permission when the player loses the level 2. Automatically giving missing permissions if you added the reward to a level below what a player already has (applies on player join)

Permission rewards currently only work if you use LuckPerms as your permissions plugin.


  • permission - The permission node to give (Required)

  • value - The value of the permission, either true or false, but defaults to true (Optional)


- type: permission
  permission: some.permission.node
  value: true

Item Rewards (item)

Item rewards give an item to the player, supporting any item through a key and registry system. Items must first be registered to a unique key in-game using /skills item register [key] and holding the item you want to register in your main hand. Items can be unregistered using /skills item unregister [key]. When a player's inventory is full, they will be notified and the item will be added to the player's unclaimed items. They can then claim the items using /skills claimitems. Unclaimed items are saved between restarts.


  • key - The key of the item that was registered using /skills item register [key] (Required)

  • amount - The amount of that item to give, can exceed max stack size. If the amount exceeds the maximum stack size of an item, the given items will still follow the item's max stack size but will just be divided into multiple stacks. If items can't fit into the player's inventory they will be added to unclaimed items like normal. The amount defaults to the original amount of the item registered. (Optional)


- type: item
  key: some_item_key
  amount: 24

Money Rewards (money)

Money rewards simply give money on level up through Vault Economy.


  • amount - The amount of money to give


- type: money
  amount: 1000

If you don't use Vault or have special currencies, you can still give money using command rewards. You can also make complex amount equations easily through pattern command rewards combined with the {level} placeholder and PlaceholderAPI math placeholders. Here is an example:

- type: command
  executor: console
  command: eco give {player} %math_{level}*2+100%


Command, permission, and item rewards support custom menu and chat messages. The menu_message key is for the message that will show on the level item in the level progression menu (accessible by clicking any skill in the /skills menu). This will appear under the "Rewards:" section right after stat rewards and before ability unlock/level ups. The chat_message key is for the message that will show on the list of rewards in chat when the player levels up. If the menu_message and chat_message you want are the same, you can simply use message instead as a shorthand.

The value of a message can either be a direct string (exactly what you put) or the path of a message key in the messages file. The plugin will first try to replace a message key and if not found will just use the direct string. Messages also support color codes using "&".

Note: Messages do not include new lines by default, you must use \n at the beginning if you want a new line for each reward.

Example of a menu and chat message being defined:

- type: permission
  permission: some.permission.node
  value: true 
  menu_message: \n  Some message in the menu
  chat_message: \n  Some message in chat

Example using the message shorthand for both menu and chat messages:

- type: command
  executor: console
  command: say leveled up!
  message: \n  Both a menu and chat message

Default and automatically handled reward messages

Item rewards by default use the display name or localized name of the item in the format of the rewards.item section's message keys in the messages file. If the item does not have a display name, it will not have any messages by default.

Stat reward messages are automatically handled because it always uses the menus.level_progression_menu.rewards_entry message key for menu messages and the leveler.stat_level message key for chat messages. You should edit those values in the messages file to change what stat reward messages look like.

Money reward messages are automatically handled through the menus.level_progression_menu.money_reward message key for menu messages and the leveler.money_reward message key for chat messages. All money rewards amounts for a particular level are added together into a single message, including money rewards from the legacy skill-money-rewards section of config.yml

Learn more

Still confused or syntax not working? Try looking over the example rewards file

Last updated