
Guide to configuring XP sources

Sources are the gameplay actions that give players XP in a skill. This includes things like mining blocks or killing mobs. Sources for each skill are configured in the sources folder, with a different file for each skill. Each source's XP value can be changed, and entirely new sources can be added based on a source type and its options.

Default section

The default section is used in a source file to save lines by not having to write out the same options for every source. Each key in the default section is copied to every single source in the sources section, unless it is overriden by a key with the same path in the specific source.

For example, the consider following source configuration with a default section:

  type: brewing
  trigger: takeout
    material: potion
    ingredient: nether_wart
    xp: 10
        type: awkward

This is the same as the following source configuration without the default section:

    type: brewing # Copied from previous default
    trigger: takeout # Copied from previous default
    ingredient: nether_wart
    xp: 10
    menu_item: # The menu_item section is combined with the previous default section
      material: potion # Material from the previous default
      potion_data: # Defined key from the source itself
        type: awkward

The default section is useful in making the file more concise for skills with sources of mostly one type that also share common options.


Each source must have a type key that defines the type of action the source is. If you see a source that doesn't specify a type, that means it's using the type in the default section.

Each source has a name, which is simply the name of the section it is defined in. This name can be used in the tags section to reference the source. Sources must have unique names within a single skill.

Some options have a plural list variant, such as block and blocks. If the plural key is defined, the singular key should not be used, even if it is listed as required.

Global options

The following is a list of options that apply to all source types:

  • xp - The XP amount to give for the source. This is the base amount and does not include any ability, permission, or item multipliers. (Required)

  • display_name - The readable name used in menus to identify the source. Default sources already have display names defined in the messages file at the path sources.[type].[name]. Only define a display_name on the source if you want to override the messages value or for newly created sources you don't need to be localized.

  • menu_item - A section that defines the item used in the sources menu to represent the source. Placeholders to other keys can be used in material for example, to only need to define a single menu_item in the default section. See #Menu item for details.

    • Oraxen items are support by using a string key prefixed with oraxen:. For example, menu_item: oraxen:mythril will use the exact item defined in Oraxen, including any NBT. This is defined as a string value directly on the menu_item key rather than the map section used for normal menu items.

  • unit - A placeholder that defines the name of the unit for some sources whose XP amount is dynamic, such as Defense XP per damage or Forging XP per anvil cost experience. This is needed for some units to function when giving XP. See the section for the specific type for valid values.

  • income_per_xp - Gives money based on the value times the XP gained. Only works if jobs are enabled in the Main Config. This works the same as the income_per_xp in the main config, but overrides it for the specific source. Mutually exclusive with income and income_expression.

  • income - Gives a fixed decimal money amount when the source is gained. Only works if jobs are enabled. Mutually exclusive with income_per_xp and income_expression.

  • income_expression - An expression to calculate the income, works the same as the jobs.income.default.expression in the Main Config. Only works if jobs are enabled. Mutually exclusive with income_per_xp and income.


The anvil source (type: anvil) gives XP when combining items in an anvil.


  • left_item - An item filter defining valid items in in the left slot. (Required)

  • right_item - An item filter defining valid items in the right slot. (Required)

  • multiplier - A placeholder for multiplying the base XP. Currently must be the value '{repair_cost}', which is the amount of experience levels used in the anvil.


The block source (type: block) gives XP for breaking or interacting with blocks. The options can be used to define complex sources involving multiple blocks or specific block states.


  • block - The block type/material. This must be a valid Bukkit Material in all lowercase. (Required)

    • Oraxen custom blocks are supported by prefixing the block name with oraxen:. For example, block: oraxen:mythril_ore will automatically register the block state from Oraxen without neeeding to manually define a state.

  • blocks - A list of multiple block types used to group multiple blocks to the same source. Overrides block.

  • trigger - The type of action on the block. Can be either break or interact. break is simply when a block is broken by a player with left click. interact is when the block is right clicked. (Required)

  • triggers - A list of multiple triggers.

  • check_replace - Whether player-placed blocks should not give XP. If true, placed blocks will not give XP. If false, any block that matches the source will give XP. Defaults to true.

  • state - A section of keys that defines the specific block state the block must match.

  • states - A list of block state sections to match any of the block states in the list.

  • after_state - A block state that is checked to match one tick after the block is interacted with. If the block does not match the after_state, XP will not be given. Only works if trigger is set to interact.

  • after_states - A list of block states to check on tick after. XP is given if the block still matches any states in the list.

  • state_multiplier - An expression with block state variables that evaluates to a number to multiply the base xp given.

  • support_block - A direction defined for some blocks that will automatically break if an adjacent block is broken. Valid values are above, below, side, and none. This ensures that the block can be unmarked as a player placed block when it is indirectly broken. Defaults to none.

  • trunk - Whether the block is a tree trunk. Used by Treecapitator for checking valid blocks to break. Defaults to false.

  • leaf - Whether the block is a leaf block. Used by Treecapitator for checking valid blocks to break. Defaults to false.


The brewing source (type: brewing) gives XP when brewing potions in a brewing stand.


  • ingredient - An item filter defining valid potion ingredients

  • trigger - When to give XP, either on brew or takeout. Using brew means that auto-brewers will still give XP to the player who placed the brewing stand.


The damage source (type: damage) gives XP when the player takes damage. In the default sources, this handles both the Defense sources and fall damage in Agility. The resulting XP given is the xp key multiplied by the amount of damage taken.


  • cause - The cause of the damage that is required for the source. Must be a valid Bukkit DamageCause in all lowercase.

  • causes - A list of multiple damage causes.

  • excluded_cause - A cause that is excluded for the source. If no cause/causes is specified, any cause other than the excluded_cause will work.

  • excluded_causes - A list of multiple excluded damage causes.

  • damager - A specific entity type that the player must be damaged from. Can be either mob, player, or any Bukkit EntityType in all lowercase. Specifying a damager automatically excludes the source from non-entity damage, like fall damage.

  • must_survive - Whether the player must survive the damage taken in order to gain XP. Defaults to true.

  • use_original_damage - Whether the XP given should be multiplied by the original damage dealt without any damage reduction modifiers (armor, stats, abilties, etc). Defaults to true.


The enchanting source (type: enchanting) gives XP when enchanting an item in an enchanting table.


  • item - An item filter defining the valid items to enchant. (Required)

  • unit - The unit to use to multiply XP. Currently must be '{sources.units.enchant_level}'


The entity source (type: entity) gives XP for a player killing or damaging an entity.


  • entity - A valid Bukkit EntityType that specifies the type of entity the player kills/damages. (Required)

  • trigger - The trigger for when to given XP, either on entity death or damage. (Required)

  • triggers - A list of multiple triggers.

  • damager - A damager to match when giving XP, which can either be player, projectile, or thrown_potion.

  • damagers - A list of multiple valid damagers.

  • scale_xp_with_health - If the trigger is damage, the damage XP multiplier will be scaled by the damaged mob's max health. The total XP gained from killing a mob will be consistent between death and damage triggers. Defaults to true.

  • cause - The cause of the damage that is required for the source. Must be a valid Bukkit DamageCause in all lowercase.

  • causes - A list of multiple damage causes.

  • excluded_cause - A cause that is excluded for the source. If no cause/causes is specified, any cause other than the excluded_cause will work.

  • excluded_causes - A list of multiple excluded damage causes.


The fishing source (type: fishing) is used for players fishing.


  • item - An item filter defining the item the player fishes up.


The grindstone source (type: grindstone) gives XP for disenchanting items in a grindstone.


  • multiplier - A placeholder to multiply the base xp by when giving XP. Currently can only be '{total_level}', which is the sum of the enchantment levels of all the enchants removed by the grindstone.

Item consume

The item consume source (type: item_consume) gives XP when players consume a potion or eat an item.


  • item - An item filter defining the item that is consumed. (Required)


The jumping source (type: jumping) gives XP for the player jumping.


  • interval - The number of jumps required to give XP. The XP given per jump is xp/interval. Defaults to 100.

Mana ability use

The mana ability use source (type: mana_ability_use) gives XP when the player uses a mana ability. The amount of XP given is the xp multiplied by the amount of mana consumed.


  • mana_ability - The name of a specific mana ability to only give XP for when used.

  • mana_abilities - A list of mana abilities to only give XP for using.

Potion splash

The potion splash source (type: potion_splash) gives XP when a player uses a splash or lingering potion.


  • item - An item filter defining the type of potion splashed. (Required)


The statistic source (type: statistic) gives XP when a Minecraft player statistic increases. XP is given at a fixed interval controlled by the xp_gain_period option under Endurance in skills.yml. The default period is every 5 minutes. For the source to work, stats.disable-saving in the server's spigot.yml must be false (it's false by default, so only check if you changed it).


  • statistic - The name of the statistic to track increases and give XP for. Must be a valid Bukkit Statistic in all lowercase. (Required)

  • multiplier - An flat amount to multiply the XP gained by. (Defaults to 1)

  • minimum_increase - The minimum amount the statistic has to increase by within the check period in order for XP to be given. If the amount gained is less than the minimum, it will still be added towards the next time the amount is checked. (Defaults to 1)

Item filter

Multiple sources that have an item, ingredient, or similar options use the item filter format, which defines a filter the item used in the source type generally has to pass in order to be matched to the specific source. This allows specifying only one specific item with an exact material and meta, or more general filters allowing multiple materials.

General options

  • material - A single specific material the item must be. This should be a valid Bukkit Material in all lowercase.

  • materials - A list of multiple materials the filter can match.

  • excluded_material - A single material to exclude from being matched.

  • excluded_materials - A list of multiple materials to exclude from being matched.

  • category - A category name to match all items from. Valid values are weapon, armor, tool, fishing_junk, and fishing_treasure.

Direct value

In cases where you only need a single material in the filter, you can directly specify the material name as a value, instead of in the subsection.

For example:

ingredient: nether_wart

is equivalent to

  material: nether_wart

Meta options

Further options can be used to narrow down the item more specifically than just the material. These options are placed in the same indentation level as the general options (one level to the right of the section name like item or ingredient).

  • display_name - A string display name that must exactly match with the item.

  • lore - A list of strings defining the lore that must exactly match with the item.

  • potion_data - A section containing options specifying the type of potion to match.

    • type - A valid Bukkit PotionType to match in all lowercase.

    • types - A list of multiple types of potions to match.

    • excluded_type - A PotionType to exclude from matching.

    • excluded_types - A list of multiple types of potions to exclude from matching.

    • extended - Whether the potion must have an extended duration.

    • upgraded - Whether the potion must have an upgraded level.

  • custom_model_data - An integer to match the CustomModelData id of an item. Both the material and custom_model_data must match to pass the filter.


Example of an item filter used in an item_consume source:

  type: item_consume
  item: # The item filter section name
    material: potion # The item consumed must be a potion
      # The type of potion cannot be mundane, thick, awkward, or a water bottle
      excluded_types: [ mundane, thick, water, awkward ]
      extended: false # The potion cannot be extended
      upgraded: false # The potion cannot be upgraded
  xp: 20

Example of an item filter used in a brewing source:

  type: brewing
  trigger: takeout
  ingredient: # The item filter section name
    # The ingredient cannot be any of these materials
    excluded_materials: [ redstone, glowstone_dust, nether_wart, gunpowder, dragon_breath ]
  xp: 15

Built-in placeholders can be used to reference other keys inside the menu_item.

  type: block
  trigger: break
    material: '{block}'

The above example default section for a block source will replace the {block} placeholder with the value of block for each source below. So if the dirt source has block: dirt, the resulting menu item material will be material: 'dirt'.


The tags section of a source file is used to configure plugin-provided list of sources for certain abilities or mechanics. You cannot add or remove tags from the section, only modify the list of the provided tags.

For example, the farming_luck_applicable tag is the list of sources that will apply the double drop bonus of the Farming Luck trait.

Wildcards and exclusions

By default you might not see the names of sources in the list, since many just the symbol * on the list. This adds all the sources in the skill to the tag.

If you want to exclude a source from the list that already has a wildcard without addding every single other source, you can prefix the source name with ! to exclude it.

    - '*'
    - '!sugar_cane'

In the example above, all farming sources except sugar cane will apply to Farming Luck.

    - wheat
    - potato
    - carrot
    - beetroot

This example shows making Farming Luck only applicable to wheat, potato, carrot, and beetroot. Note that the names used in the list are the source names (section names under sources), not the value of block within the source.

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